Every Step Counts
You Got This. We Got You.
THIS is the 6th PNW Pink Ribbon Run
You show up for yourself.
Check ups. Check Ins. The annual mammogram.
Nourishment for your body. Good thoughts for your mind. Gratitude for your soul.
Belly laughs, deep love, open hearted living.
And then those words - you have cancer.
Appointments. Treatments. Overwhelm.
New beginnings.
This may be your first time joining us. It may be your sixth.
You might be in the thick of it as a Fighter. You might be a Survivor. Or Warrior. Or MetaThriver (living with metastatic cancer).
It may be that you're a co-survivor - someone who accompanied her, loved her, when she needed you most.
We see you, too, family and loved ones who are carrying her in your heart as she lives in precious memories.
The PNW Pink Ribbon Run is how we bring it all together.
Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Joyful Celebrations.
Every Woman - Gutsy, Spunky, Daring - CAN.
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.
5k & 1 Mile Run/Walk:
8/1-10/2 $35
VIP 5k & 1 Mile Run/Walk: (VIPs are women who are experiencing cancer, who are survivors, thrivers, warriors).
8/1-10/2 $30
Youth 5k & 1 Mile Run/Walk
8/1-10/2 $15
Virtual 5k & 1 Mile Run/Walk:
8/1-10/2 $35
Virtual VIP 5k & 1 Mile Run/Walk: (VIPs are women who are experiencing cancer, who are survivors, thrivers, warriors).
8/1-10/2 $35
**Register by August 15th to get branded shoelaces
**Register by September 1st and get a sticker and personalized BIB
Run Information
Packet Pickup: (NO Packet Pick Up on Friday)
Saturday, October 1 - 10am - 3:00pm

Onsite registration, bib and packet pickup will take place in the Kress Gallery @ Riverpark Square (808 W Main Ave, Spokane).
Sunday, October 2 - 7:30am to 8:45am
Onsite registration, bib and packet pickup will be on October 2nd (Run day) from 7:30am to 8:45am at Central Plaza in Riverfront Park (574 West N Howard St, Near the Pavilion).
VIP Photo: Sunday, October 2 @ 8:15am
The VIP photo will be taken outside this year. We'll email the location to you in Run Day instructions closer to the event.
Start Time:
5k & 1 Mile: 9:00am
Public parking available around Riverfront Park or you can pay to park in River Park Square.
Run Scholarships
These scholarships are available to our community thanks to Julian Strawther
and his partnership with Wake Up Call Coffee. If you'd like to apply for a scholarship,
please tell us which one you're applying for and email Deb our Run Chair at
BIPOC Scholarship
(This scholarship is for people who identify as BIPOC = Black, Indigenous, People of Color).
This is a new scholarship available to our Run thanks to Julian Strawther and his partnership with Wake Up Call Coffee. This is intended as away to address systemic barriers that exist in our systems. Our Board is open to any and all feedback from people of color as we advocate for equity and access in our community. If you have feedback to share, please reach out to our Board Chair at
VIP Scholarship
(This scholarship is for women who are experiencing cancer, and those who identify as Survivors, Thrivers and Warriors.
This year's Run has a slight increase in pricing to keep up with the current production expenses. We don't want any VIP to miss out on the fun and recognition due to cost. If you need help to participate, please let us know.